Saturday, October 14, 2006

Muhammad Haque reporting from Blaired inner city East London

Editor in Chief: Muhammad Haque

The 6th edition at 1900 Hrs GMT/2000 Hrs UK on Saturday 14 October 2006
Published from London in association with the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign AGAINST CrossRail

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail – the latest on the legal action programme to stop the CrossRail hole attack on the East End of London – here shortly

Crossrail hole inviting Tower Hamlets Council 'working group' - the details of the sinister, anti-social role it played to betray the local community and to facilitate the Crossrail hole digging in the E1 area- details on 'Cllrs. Motin uzZaman, Helal Abbas, Sirajul Islam, et al, to follow here soon

Who is being bribed by Crossrail hole-plotters to make another coup bid against the community and collaborate with City of London and Big Business interests to enable to digging of the CrossRail hole in the Hanbury Street? - an update here shortly

What 'better deal' has 'Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' Denise Jones been 'negotiating' from CRASSrail 'for the community' in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If she has been doing any such thing, why has she not been scripted-in in the 'column in her name' that is written in the Docklands Recorder on Wednesdays? Why has Denise Jones been silent about 'better deals' on Crossrail hole? How can there be any DEALS that can be made for the community when the hole is being allowed by the Tower Hopless Council to be dug for Crossrail? - More here shortly

To view the Muhammad Haque commentary on the political corruption of the UK Parliament and the abject idiocies of the ‘Select Committee of MPs’ on the CrossRail Bill CLICK HERE
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole, main web site

There is no honest expression called 'Islamophobia'. The correct word is 'anti-Muslim' or 'anti-Islam'. So who persists in peddling the racist word 'Islamophobia' while still wearing the fake veil of 'solidarity' with the alleged targets of 'Islamophobia'? How all the backers of the USSR regime have now found their 'homes' in the Blaired Labour bureaucracies and how they have been singing in unison and defiantly tunes against Muslims and Islam - the racists have been all colored RED in Britain - here shortly

To view AADHIKARonline legal disclaimer, CLICK HERE

Muhammad Haque reporting from Blaired inner city East London

Editor in Chief: Muhammad Haque

The 6th edition at 1900 Hrs GMT/2000 Hrs UK on Saturday 14 October 2006
Published from London in association with the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign AGAINST CrossRail

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail – the latest on the legal action programme to stop the CrossRail hole attack on the East End of London – here shortly

Crossrail hole inviting Tower Hamlets Council 'working group' - the details of the sinister, anti-social role it played to betray the local community and to facilitate the Crossrail hole digging in the E1 area- details on 'Cllrs. Motin uzZaman, Helal Abbas, Sirajul Islam, et al, to follow here soon

Who is being bribed by Crossrail hole-plotters to make another coup bid against the community and collaborate with City of London and Big Business interests to enable to digging of the CrossRail hole in the Hanbury Street? - an update here shortly

What 'better deal' has 'Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' Denise Jones been 'negotiating' from CRASSrail 'for the community' in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If she has been doing any such thing, why has she not been scripted-in in the 'column in her name' that is written in the Docklands Recorder on Wednesdays? Why has Denise Jones been silent about 'better deals' on Crossrail hole? How can there be any DEALS that can be made for the community when the hole is being allowed by the Tower Hopless Council to be dug for Crossrail? - More here shortly

To view the Muhammad Haque commentary on the political corruption of the UK Parliament and the abject idiocies of the ‘Select Committee of MPs’ on the CrossRail Bill CLICK HERE
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole, main web site

There is no honest expression called 'Islamophobia'. The correct word is 'anti-Muslim' or 'anti-Islam'. So who persists in peddling the racist word 'Islamophobia' while still wearing the fake veil of 'solidarity' with the alleged targets of 'Islamophobia'? How all the backers of the USSR regime have now found their 'homes' in the Blaired Labour bureaucracies and how they have been singing in unison and defiantly tunes against Muslims and Islam - the racists have been all colored RED in Britain - here shortly

To view AADHIKARonline legal disclaimer, CLICK HERE

Muhammad Haque reporting from Blaired inner city East London

Editor in Chief: Muhammad Haque

The 6th edition at 1900 Hrs GMT/2000 Hrs UK on Saturday 14 October 2006
Published from London in association with the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign AGAINST CrossRail

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail – the latest on the legal action programme to stop the CrossRail hole attack on the East End of London – here shortly

Crossrail hole inviting Tower Hamlets Council 'working group' - the details of the sinister, anti-social role it played to betray the local community and to facilitate the Crossrail hole digging in the E1 area- details on 'Cllrs. Motin uzZaman, Helal Abbas, Sirajul Islam, et al, to follow here soon

Who is being bribed by Crossrail hole-plotters to make another coup bid against the community and collaborate with City of London and Big Business interests to enable to digging of the CrossRail hole in the Hanbury Street? - an update here shortly

What 'better deal' has 'Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' Denise Jones been 'negotiating' from CRASSrail 'for the community' in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If she has been doing any such thing, why has she not been scripted-in in the 'column in her name' that is written in the Docklands Recorder on Wednesdays? Why has Denise Jones been silent about 'better deals' on Crossrail hole? How can there be any DEALS that can be made for the community when the hole is being allowed by the Tower Hopless Council to be dug for Crossrail? - More here shortly

To view the Muhammad Haque commentary on the political corruption of the UK Parliament and the abject idiocies of the ‘Select Committee of MPs’ on the CrossRail Bill CLICK HERE
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole, main web site

There is no honest expression called 'Islamophobia'. The correct word is 'anti-Muslim' or 'anti-Islam'. So who persists in peddling the racist word 'Islamophobia' while still wearing the fake veil of 'solidarity' with the alleged targets of 'Islamophobia'? How all the backers of the USSR regime have now found their 'homes' in the Blaired Labour bureaucracies and how they have been singing in unison and defiantly tunes against Muslims and Islam - the racists have been all colored RED in Britain - here shortly

To view AADHIKARonline legal disclaimer, CLICK HERE

Muhammad Haque reporting on Crossrail hole-inviter Council and on the assault on the East End of London via Crossrail that Big Business has started

Editor in Chief: Muhammad Haque
AADHIKARonlineThe 6th edition at 1900 Hrs GMT/2000 Hrs UK on Saturday 14 October 2006

Published from London in association with the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign AGAINST CrossRail

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail – the latest on the legal action programme to stop the CrossRail hole attack on the East End of London – here shortly

Crossrail hole inviting Tower Hamlets Council 'working group' - the details of the sinister, anti-social role it played to betray the local community and to facilitate the Crossrail hole digging in the E1 area- details on 'Cllrs. Motin uzZaman, Helal Abbas, Sirajul Islam, et al, to follow here soon

Who is being bribed by Crossrail hole-plotters to make another coup bid against the community and collaborate with City of London and Big Business interests to enable to digging of the CrossRail hole in the Hanbury Street? - an update here shortly

What 'better deal' has 'Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' Denise Jones been 'negotiating' from CRASSrail 'for the community' in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If she ahs been doing any such thing, why has she not been scripted-=in in the 'column in her name' that is written in the Docklands Recorder on Wednesdays? Why has Denise Jones been silent about 'better deals' on Crossrail hole? How can there be any DEALS that can be made for the community when the hole is being allowed by the Tower Hopless Council to be dug for Crossrail? - More here shortly

To view the Muhammad Haque commentary on the political corruption of the UK Parliament and the abject idiocies of the ‘Select Committee of MPs’ on the CrossRail Bill CLICK HERE
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole, main web site

There is no honest expression called 'Islamophobia'. The correct word is 'anti-Muslim' or 'anti-Islam'. So who persists in peddling the racist word 'Islamophobia' while still wearing the fake veil of 'solidarity' with the alleged targets of 'Islamophobia'? How all the backers of the USSR regime have now found their 'homes' in the Blaired Labour bureaucracies and how they have been singing in unison and defiantly tunes against Muslims and Islam - the racists have been all colored RED in Britain - here shortly

To view AADHIKARonline legal disclaimer, CLICK HERE

Muhammad Haque chronicling Crossrail crass attacks on East End of London

Editor in Chief: Muhammad Haque
AADHIKARonlineThe 6th edition at 1900 Hrs GMT/2000 Hrs UK on Saturday 14 October 2006
Published from London in association with the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign AGAINST CrossRail

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail – the latest on the legal action programme to stop the CrossRail hole attack on the East End of London – here shortly

Crossrail hole inviting Tower Hamlets Council 'working group' - the details of the sinister, anti-social role it played to betray the local community and to facilitate the Crossrail hole digging in the E1 area- details on 'Cllrs. Motin uzZaman, Helal Abbas, Sirajul Islam, et al, to follow here soon

Who is being bribed by Crossrail hole-plotters to make another coup bid against the community and collaborate with City of London and Big Business interests to enable to digging of the CrossRail hole in the Hanbury Street? - an update here shortly
What 'better deal' has 'Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' Denise Jones been 'negotiating' from CRASSrail 'for the community' in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If she ahs been doing any such thing, why has she not been scripted-=in in the 'column in her name' that is written in the Docklands Recorder on Wednesdays? Why has Denise Jones been silent about 'better deals' on Crossrail hole? How can there be any DEALS that can be made for the community when the hole is being allowed by the Tower Hopless Council to be dug for Crossrail? - More here shortly

To view the Muhammad Haque commentary on the political corruption of the UK Parliament and the abject idiocies of the ‘Select Committee of MPs’ on the CrossRail Bill CLICK HERE
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole, main web site

There is no honest expression called 'Islamophobia'. The correct word is 'anti-Muslim' or 'anti-Islam'. So who persists in peddling the racist word 'Islamophobia' while still wearing the fake veil of 'solidarity' with the alleged targets of 'Islamophobia'? How all the backers of the USSR regime have now found their 'homes' in the Blaired Labour bureaucracies and how they have been singing in unison and defiantly tunes against Muslims and Islam - the racists have been all colored RED in Britain - here shortly

To view AADHIKARonline legal disclaimer, CLICK HERE